Friday 22 June 2007

Vue 130/87/31

The Virtual University of Edinburgh is opening Schools on their SL Campus. So far I did not see traces of dramatic activity, but it's builder Shale Bing is doing a nice job on design of the environment and adds interesting functionality. I'd love to see in what other ways they commit themselves to a change in education on that level. I have not found student services yet, no doubt it is there or it will come soon. Shale's just started a blog about this.

1 comment:

Shale Bing said...

Thanks for the kind words. Indeed there is no "dramatic" activity yet, but the first region has now been extended to two regions and the plan is to develop nine adjacent regions which will include a range of schools in the university, both for teaching and research use, and areas for alumni and student support services. My blog will focus on the use of Second Life in management education, but the bigger plans for SL at the University of Edinburgh are explained on the VUE website.